Back to school – Time to move into a good catchment area?
Are you worrying about getting your children into your preferred school next year?
As a tenant you should understand your rights and your obligations, understand how things work, where you stand, tenancy terms and contracts, we have put together articles to help you make sense of it all.
Are you worrying about getting your children into your preferred school next year?
Research from a well-known mortgage provider has shown that committed couples who choose to live separately are collectively wasting £5billion a year.
Over the weekend the government issued the long-awaited consultation on getting rid of section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 in England.
This last weekend did not only see the publication of the section 21 consultation . At the same time the government published a consultation on reform of the rogue landlord database .
The UK rental market saw a surge of interest from tenants in the month of June, new Rightmove data has revealed.
Moving home can be costly, making it hard to find your deposit, first month’s rent and the other costs of moving. A Zero Deposit Guarantee costs the equivalent of one week’s rent and replaces the traditional tenancy deposit, aiming to make renting more affordable.
Where do you and your tenants stand in the event of a fire or flood? This article explains.
It's important to know the potential costs involved with starting - and finishing - a tenancy. This article outlines them for you.
Most letting agents are aware that they need to publish a full list of their fees and charges both on their website and in their offices under requirements in the Consumer Rights Act. However, there continue to be problems with the manner in which fees are advertised alongside property. The Committee on Advertising Practice has tried to produce a summary page setting out its key rules.
Simple steps you can take to avoid being scammed into giving away your valuable personal information online.
Sensible steps for tenants to take to avoid disappointment and loss during the rental process.
Things all tenants need to know before renting a property in England.
What makes a tenancy 'Assured Shorthold' as opposed to 'Common Law'?
Your landlord must ensure the premises has been assessed for risks associated with Legionella.
New law forcing compulsory smoke alarms for landlords blocked on a technicality.