Fire Safety Standards for HMOs of 3 Storeys or Over
This article outlines the minimum fire safety measures required to be undertaken in HMOs of 3 storeys or over.
Our ever growing resource of articles for landlords, how to advertise property, tenant references, landlord insurance, evicting tenants, being a good landlord, property letting guides, landlord docs, AST download and lots more.
This article outlines the minimum fire safety measures required to be undertaken in HMOs of 3 storeys or over.
This covers the traditional bedsit type house shares with all occupiers on their own tenancy agreements.
Flats over shops are higher risk because of the use underneath (which might be high risk) and limitations of exit routes compared to single-use dwellings.
Transferring your possession order to the high court will allow you to use a private bailiff to evict your tenant - an action that is becoming more and more common as waiting lists for court-appointed bailiffs grow longer.
You can do a better job than most estate agents if you follow our common sense tips.
We stay away from politics wherever possible, but these plans would affect a large chunk of our customer demographic, so are worth looking at.
Landlords have a legal duty to ensure that the risk of tenants and their visitors being exposed to Legionnaires' disease properly assessed and controlled.
The right kind of property advertising is important. Getting it wrong can lead to having a tenanted property with no rent coming in, which is worse than having an empty property with no rent coming in!
As part of letting out your property you have a duty of care to ensure your property is safe to let.
There are around 30 deaths and 4,000 accidents annually in the UK involving electrics, so don't think it can't happen in one of your properties.
All Landlords have a common law duty to ensure that gas installations and appliances supplied with their rental properties are safe. Tenants have certain legal obligations when it comes to gas safety as well.
We have tried to make the process of getting a tenant reference (and getting optional extras like rent guarantee insurance) as simple as possible. You can even get a reference and rent guarantee insurance if you have not used us to advertise your property.
Our Tenant Finder service is the same as you can get from your local letting agent, but much cheaper! For a very small fee landlords can instruct us to advertise their property to rent on the sites they need - Rightmove, Primelocation and Zoopla.
Property rental and sales advertising with none of the normal agency ties
You can supply your own property photographs or we can take them for you (for a fee). Read our tips to improve your photos and the chances of selling or letting your property.