Rent Controls & What They Mean To You As a Landlord
Rent controls have been tried in the past and are being proposed again by the Labour Party. This article discusses their effect.
Our ever growing resource of articles for landlords, how to advertise property, tenant references, landlord insurance, evicting tenants, being a good landlord, property letting guides, landlord docs, AST download and lots more.
Rent controls have been tried in the past and are being proposed again by the Labour Party. This article discusses their effect.
On 6th April 2015, capital gains tax rules for landlords changed. Read this article to find out if those changes affected you.
What the new Deregulation Act means for the serving of Section 21 notices on your tenants.
One of the provisions in the new Deregulation overturned the appeal judge's decision in the infamous Superstrike v Rodrigues case that deemed a new tenancy was created when a written tenancy expired and required the reprotection of the deposit.
This is the property get rich quick scheme that never goes away. It works for some - but can it work for you?
Rent to rent can be a minefield at the best of times, but you should beware of that fact that it now seems to be attracting some real sharks.
More details on the proposed new law.
Why we get some negative reviews, and why this is good for our customers.
Update on our previous article concerning managing Legionella risk in rented properties.
Shortly it will be a legal requirement to install these in all residential rental property.
There are a few simple things you should know as a landlord that will stop you from falling foul of the Data Protection Act 1998
If your tenant disappears owing you money it's not necessarily the end of the matter - you might be able to find them with the help of a tracing agent.
What - if anything - can landlords do to get unpaid rent from tenants?
Things to consider when selecting a property - a lot of it applies to a property purchased for yourself to live in too.
This article covers the minimum fire safety standards for houses converted into self-contained flats 2 or 3 storeys and above, including attic and basement flats.