Advertising Rent to Rent Correctly
An Advertising Standards Authority decision from late last year emphasises the importance of advertising guaranteed rent and right to rent arrangements correctly.
Our ever growing resource of articles for landlords, how to advertise property, tenant references, landlord insurance, evicting tenants, being a good landlord, property letting guides, landlord docs, AST download and lots more.
An Advertising Standards Authority decision from late last year emphasises the importance of advertising guaranteed rent and right to rent arrangements correctly.
The government has announced this morning that it will be having a consultation on ending section 21 notices in Assured Shorthold Tenancies in England.
The first in a series of articles on the coming fee ban
What does the High Court Decision that Right to Rent checks are in breach of the Human Rights Act mean for you?
The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 has been a long time in its gestation. There has been a considerable challenge for the Welsh government in putting together all the subsidiary material that is required to make the Act work in practice. There has also been a delay caused by negotiations with the Ministry of Justice to make sure that the court processes are in place to make things work.
A reminder from West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue about your legal obligations.
Landlords are required to register as data controllers and pay an annual fee, but is there a way out?
The title says it all. From that date you cannot charge tenants a fee except in very limited circumstances.
I attended a conference last week where more details were confirmed, none good for landlords!
New rules apply to service a Section 21 notice on your tenant after October 2018
Keeping you abreast of HM Gov's growing list of changes.
Landlords need to start preparing for the tenant fee ban now. Here's a brief overview of the key points.
You can't let your property after 1st April 2018 if it has an energy performance rating below 'E'.
A Zero Deposit Guarantee can replace a traditional tenancy deposit, giving landlords the same cover and protection as having a tenancy deposit in the bank, whilst making renting more affordable for tenants.
Where do you and your tenants stand in the event of a fire or flood? This article explains.